Email marketing
I specialize in creating highly effective emails. email newsletters that drive sales. Planning, copywriting, design, list segmentation and data analysis.
Our partners
Project #1
We will share with you a project whose name we cannot disclose for confidentiality reasons.
And the numbers speak for themselves. We were able to generate an average of 45% additional revenue from automation alone.
Project #2
A year ago, our team faced an extraordinary challenge. A brand with only one product that had an extremely low customer retention rate.
Do you want to learn how to turn email marketing into a source of additional income?
Projektas #3
Kai pradėjom dirbti su šiuo projektu, jis tiesiogine ta žodžio prasme buvo spam'e.
Per pusantro mėnesio ištraukėme iš spam, ir pradėjome didinti pardavimus, kas keisčiausia, kad šiam projektui visiškai neveikė "Welcome flow", gal turbūt dėl to kad produktas "Digital", daug testavome, klijavome, bandėme, ir visgi mums pavyko,
Revenue growth
My email email marketing services are a proven result of increasing customer revenue. Using effective email email campaigns and automation, I increased sales figures from 15 to 40% of total revenue.
Exclusive design
Creative emails mobile-friendly email designs that match your brand identity and marketing goals.
After applying the strategies and making all the changes, the company's income from e-mail email marketing immediately increased 2x in the first month.
237% increase in revenue due to automation
I specialize in creating highly effective emails. Planning, copywriting, design, list segmentation and data analysis. Email newsletters that drive sales. And much more.
Email Marketing Lithuania
We will be happy to answer your questions. You can call during office hours or join our growing community where we often discuss email marketing.
Email Marketing Lithuania >>>